Events and Highlights from over the years, and those still to come .

Dreams of a Dreamer is a retrospective of the work of Ojibwe artist IceBear. This collection spans the period from the early 90’s. IceBear is what is called a Dreamer by his people, one to whom, as they say, ‘you can tell of your dreams, and he will draw you pictures in the sand’.

Ice Bear’s fine art has evolved over the past 30 years, from a graphic style that combined the forms and shapes of traditional Ojibway art, to a free flowing technique which provide richly toned paintings that can change colour and depth as sunlight moves, and day turns to night. His many years as art director, and over 5 years as muralist have given him a great interest in technique; how paint ‘works’, colour, brush-strokes, and layering, some IceBear paintings have close to 20 layers of paint and medium.

Dreams of a Dreamer, August 2022

Portals Gallery will be the location of this summer’s 

IceBear exhibition, ‘The Modern Age Dreams of a Dreamer’

Hosted by Cowichan Public Art Gallery.  

Opening July 28.

Watch this space for more information 

peresentation at Government HOuse

Canadian Tennis Association Presentation at 

Government House in Victoria

Artist’s Proof  1/5  of 

NorthWest meets with approval!

Focus Magazine

Focus Magazine article, cover below 

focus magazine

Focus magazine: the rest of the story

McMillan Arts Centre, Parksville

IceBear in Vienna with our Austrian host, en route to exhibition in Austria then on to Florence 

Vienna, Austria 


Line up out the gallery door for exhibition in Coeur d’Alene

Coeur d’Alene


A very special private commission

IceBear with the Canadian Consul for Texas and Louisiana, at his exhibition in Dallas 

IceBear was invited to be guest speaker at a citizenship ceremony held on Aboriginal Day in Vancouver, a few years ago 

IceBear has designed the sleeves for a few of Ed’s beautiful CD’s Click on the image to visit his site and hear him 

Victoria Arts Council exhibition

IceBear was invited to provide the artwork for the cover of this internationally distributed environmental magazine, a task he was honored to fulfill.

IceBear’s first studio coordinated multi cultural exhibition held in Victoria in the 90s 

With renowned Shona sculptor Dominic Benhura, of Zimbabwe, working on a joint project as featured artists at Ukama Gallery 

IceBear with Shona artist Dominic Benhura, of Zimbabwe, at Ukama Gallery in Vancouver, BC 

Community Arts Council 

 of Greater Victoria 2008

IceBear’s  first and so far only appearance in NY, the second was cancelled by hurricane a few days before it was to open  

There were people from four states attending the More than Feathers 

art show in Post Falls, Idaho

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